Expand description

Liquid template language interpreter.


Liquid Processing Errors.
Liquid value type.


Custom Box<FilterValue> with a FnFilterValue optimization.
Processing context for a template.
Create processing context for a template.
See cycle tag.
A Value filter.
A Value expression.
Remembers the content of the last rendered ifstate block.
The current interrupt state. The interrupt state is used by the break and continue tags to halt template rendering at a given point and unwind the render call stack until it reaches an enclosing for_loop. At that point the interrupt is cleared, and the for_loop carries on processing as directed.
Stack of variables.
An executable template block.
A raw template expression.
A Value reference.


An un-evaluated Value.
Block processing interrupt state.


A trait for creating custom tags. This is a simple type alias for a function.
Support cloning of Box<FilterValue>.
Immutable view into a template’s global variables.
Any object (tag/block) that can be rendered by liquid must implement this trait.


Format an error for an unexpected value.

Type Definitions

Expected return type of a Filter.
Function signature that can act as a FilterValue.